Piety x X x Plenty

Piety x X x Plenty
Aspiring Pin-up Model

Plus Size Profile

Friday, September 9, 2011

Busy, busy, busy butt.

Yeah, that is me.
All my stuff is not doing so great. I should have figured it is all progressive.
So I am looking desperately for another job- of course, I never really stopped doing that, only before I was being more selective. I don't do a job that I don't like, very well. Now, I have put over 20 resumes in all over the place within a 30 mile radius of here and I feel good about what could come as a result.

Something clerical where people aren't looking at me would be good. I don't like covering up my tattoos and piercings. Care giving is the ideal. I wouldn't have to put up with a lot of shit if I could be in a home taking care of one or a few people. Plus, I like to help people. (=

My availability is limited and I want part time so I can still focus on school and get pics done for Southern Charm. I loves my babieses but I am looking forward to a regular break away from them.

Gosh I miss school! I can't wait to start back up with a core class for my major and my minor in October!! (=

OH! We're planning on renaming our REAL BEAUTY concept site, at least, we're thinking about it, and hopefully all of us can get together and organize real soon and make some decisions! I guess all of us are busy, busy butts.


Piety Motha Fuckin Plenty

Sunday, September 4, 2011

clips 4 sale store LAUNCHED

11 assorted fetish videos of yours truly to share with the world.
See my link sky scraper the the left. (=

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Thee Empress now has a product page on FACEBOOK! Come "like" us for updates on our product list, to see special pics of our girls and to gain access to our prints on smugmug!

Piety Motha-Fuckin' Plenty